
Crack the Code to Financial Freedom: Set Goals Like a Pro! 

Are you someone who's constantly hustling, juggling time between work and family, and dreaming of building wealth for a secure future? Well, you're in good company because today, we're diving into the world of financial goals – the cornerstone of wealth accumulation. Setting the Stage: Defining Your Financial Goals  First ...
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How to Work Out Your Values: A Simple Exercise 

How to Work Out Your Values: A Simple Exercise  Now that we've discussed the why and how of values in setting and achieving goals from our previous blog, let's dive into a practical exercise to help you discover your core values. It's like a treasure hunt, but instead of searching ...
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The Secret Sauce to Sticking with New Year’s Resolutions

Ah, New Year's resolutions – those pesky promises we make to ourselves under the glittering fireworks, only to find them gathering dust by February. But what if I told you the secret to keeping these resolutions isn't just about sheer willpower or buying a fancy planner? It's about understanding your ...
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Investing in Yourself: Ultimate Guide to Growth 

We all know that investing in our financial future is important. We save money, buy property, or put our funds in a superannuation account. But what about investing in ourselves? How often do we take the time, money, and energy to improve our skills, health, happiness, and relationships?  Investing in ...
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Balancing the Four Pillars of Wealth for a Fulfilling Life 

In our fast-paced, modern world, the pursuit of wealth often takes centre stage. However, it's crucial to remember that wealth is not limited to financial success alone. True prosperity encompasses a much broader spectrum, touching on four essential types of wealth:   Health Wealth  Time Wealth  Social Wealth  Financial Wealth  While striving for ...
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The biggest life goal Australians have

Most Australians reveal their biggest life goal is a financial one, although many admit failing to plan is a roadblock.  Growing household debt, record-high property prices and the aftermath of the global financial crisis have not hindered Australians’ belief in their ability to achieve their goals. In fact, an August ...
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