In my experience, the typical ‘financial advisor’ just doesn’t understand entrepreneurs or business owners. They’re used to the archetypal employee structure where there is a guaranteed income every fortnight and a predictable projection.
In honour of all the entrepreneurs out there living out their dreams to own and operate successful, profitable and fun businesses, we thought we would take a few moments to write up key questions you need to be asking yourself along the way.
A sole trader or a Pty Ltd, you need to ensure that your personal wealth is not at risk with your business ventures.
A good accounting system, tracking your spending and a good old fashioned spreadsheet can make the difference between a sink or swim.
If you are no good at managing your book keeping or accounts, that’s ok. Not everyone is. My advice – outsource immediately. A good entrepreneur is one that is ahead of their own game.
Ah! The old “I didn’t see that one coming” has hurt many small business owners who find themselves paying double-tax. Again, if you are not good at this stuff, outsourcing the planning can save you a fortune in the long run.
Paying yourself is important. But paying yourself extra when it cuts into things like tax and retirement planning isn’t smart. Make sure you can really afford it before you give yourself a pay rise.
Debt management or lack thereof can seriously cripple a business. How are you planning to get out of debt and thrive as an entrepreneur?
Seriously, do you really need all of those subscriptions or are they just nice to have? Think about it this way – an Adobe membership might cost you $100 per month and you might use it every second month. For $150 you can outsource the work and pocket the spare $50. List everything and question their worth.
The war-chest. For when the down-turn happens. For when the boat is leaking. I think you know what I mean here.
All work and no play isn’t great for a number of reasons, most importantly your health and long term passion for your business. Planning for holidays and breaks is just as important as planning your work day.
We know that all entrepreneurs are people who love to win. Having your financial house in order is THE critical element to long term success. You can have great people, amazing services and products and out of this world customer service, but if you are not keeping an eye on how well you are managing finances it will all be over quickly.
Good luck out there and reach out if you need a trainer to get you in financially fit shape.